Promotional Bulk SMS (Branding, Promotion, Advertising): These sms are being used for promoting and branding your services or products. These SMS contains any sales & marketing activity; You can send to your prospects and clients for the promotion of your business or services.
Promotional SMS: These are SMSes which are sent with the objective of promoting your product or service. This category includes any sales & marketing messages which may or may not be solicited by the recipient.
A marketing strategy developed by a business to promote a product or service. A promotional message can come in many forms, such as a television or magazine advertisement, or a slogan on a product package.
Transactional SMS is used to send OTPs, informational messages, booking and order alerts to your registered customers. They should not be intended for marketing.
In B2B technology marketing, your message strategy is the foundation for everything you do. ... The positioning statement addresses the target market's most pressing problem by stating a benefit; i.e. why the target market should care about your B2B product, solution, service, company or technology.