MLM Portal

MLM Portal

The MLM Software or MLM Web Portal, which contains a comprehensive set of tools required to manage and organize MLM accounts. A web-based and user friendly MLM tools allow you to track your customers and recruits, as well as organize and report day to day sales, revenue and profit. It is the simple and user friendly interface which is one of key aspect of our software.

Webinmaker Softtech Pvt. Bhopal is a high quality MLM Software or MLM Web Portal which has features to define products from which the marketing Firm is doing business for MLM software facilitates to define user commission and generate commission reports. Complete downlink can be seen in a tree view by our Online MLM Portal by the members. All users can have access in to a system and they can view / modify only their downlink. Every member will collect their own bespoke self replicating web page, with a fid plan, Downlink, Payment Status and Reminders.

MLM Software Has two type of plans which are:

  1. Binary Plan
  2. Multi Level Plan

The MLM portal that we develop is marked by the dedicated features and functions which synergize it for the users and admin team of the project. With the custom MLM portal, efficient and secure management of the users' accounts is also possible through backend database functions while real time tracking and update mechanisms are integrated at the portal. Whether you have adopted the binary growth function or else, the portal is well built to scale up in real time and remain resilient against any vulnerability.